
Learn to Love Your Body


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Do you love your body for the wonderful structure it is? Do you realize how wonderful your body is? This 8 week group will explore thru art expression what influences how we all feel about our bodies. There are many influences that develop what feelings we have towards our bodies.
We will explore the body history through art expression in full size, media influences, family of origin, self talk, our beliefs, our self care and beliefs around this and how integration can occur. All these things are explored through art expression. This group will take place every Friday at 6:30 pm till 8:00 pm at 9562 82 Ave Edmonton, Downstairs. Please call ahead as a pre-screening will take place before the group starts. Please call Irene Haire, MC, RCAT, Registered Provisional Psychologist at 780-232-1055 to do the pre-screen. The cost for this group is $125.00 per 4 weeks or $250.00 for 8 weeks. Payment plans can be arranged.