Art therapy drop-in groups take place every Friday at 2pm and at 4pm at 9562 82 Ave Downstairs Edmonton, Ab for men and women for $10 per person which includes materials. Currently we are establishing themes from peoples’ check-ins and have had themes such as connection, being present, being mindful and the list goes on. Come and check out the process. We start by signing in, do a check-in and have a short discussion as to what we all think the theme is and then do art based on the theme or what ever spontaneously occurs. The art is processed by the client and therapist and we have a check out stating how to use what was learnt from the art. We often have a grounding or mindfulness activity before everyone goes their separate ways.
Irene Haire, MC, RCAT, Registered Provisional Psychologist/Registered Art Therapist is in private practice in Edmonton at The GB Building Downstairs-9562- 82 Avenue, 780-232-1055 email